Calculating Trailing Twelve Month in BSO Essbase

The summer is hot and companies and most Finance organizations are hot in in their budget season. Preparing budgets for the following year. Many clients wants to see their business as a rolling twelve months during any point in time within the year. For example, if looking at March, 2015, the rolling twelve month would be the sum of April through December 2014 and January through March, 2015. Getting this information out of Essbase can be difficult since the result involves more than one period and crosses over years. It took a while to figure out and with help from a colleague, we figured it out.

You can create a member within the Period dimension for each trailing twelve month (TTM) period, January through December. Then, you would enter in a member formula for each one. For example, let’s look at the member formula for January.


@XRANGE(&PriorYr->”&BegTTM”, &PriorYr->”&EndTTM “), @XRANGE(&CurYr->”Jan”, &CurYr->&CurMo));

I used the Currency member, “USD” within the formula. I have substitution variables set up for the ranges for period and month.

There are other ways to calculate TTM using the @MDSHIFT formula which is more dynamic but, above is one example. If you would like to have solutions like this developed for your business, feel free to contact GNC Consulting at 815-469-7255 or the Hyperion Practice Leader, Greg Ristich at

Hope this can help fellow users within the Essbase community.